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Alumni Relations

Physical Address:
1212 Blake Ave. Moscow, ID

Mailing Address:
875 Perimeter Drive MS 3232 Moscow, ID 83844-3232

Phone: 208-885-6154



Physical Address:
322 E. Front Street, Suite 200 Boise, ID 83702

Phone: 208-364-4030

Fax: 208-364-4035


UIAA Directors

Executive Committee

The UIAA Board of Directors is an elected body that governs the UIAA, Inc. and meets formally three times a year. Duties of elected directors include managing corporate affairs, business and assets of the association. Appointed members may serve on the board with no voting privileges.

Degree/Major(s): B.A. Mathematics; B.A. History

Hometown: Moscow, Idaho

Favorite Class: “My favorite class was Jazz Choir I with Professor Dan Bukvich — it was so different than anything else I did and gave me an awesome creative outlet.”

Why U of I: “My majors in mathematics and history and minor in philosophy directly prepared me for my current legal career. From the logic games on the LSATs to the problem-solving, analysis and writing skills I used in law school (and continue to use every day), my undergrad degrees at U of I taught me the tools I’ve used to succeed.”

Why I serve: “I was fortunate to have many opportunities at U of I — taking classes from talented professors, serving in student government and making life-long friendships. The Alumni Association has given me a way to give back to the university while building new connections with Vandals on campus and around the world.”

Favorite Faculty or Staff: “I was extremely lucky to work with a number of fantastic faculty and staff members during my time at U of I. One faculty member integral to my time was Professor Dan Bukvich, who expanded my musical knowledge, taught me better focus and became a good friend and mentor.”

Favorite Vandal Memory: “I’ll never forget traveling with a group of Vandals to Cai Cay, Peru, in December 2007 for an alternative service break trip. The volunteer service was immensely rewarding, and our visits to historic Incan sites were incredible, but the two things that stands out most are celebrating New Years 2008 with our hosts and the joy of watching a few of my teammates travel outside Idaho and Washington for the first time. I’ll always treasure that time with an amazing group of Vandals!”

Jon Gaffney '08

President | Eastern Region

Jon Gaffney

jackie jamesonJackie Jameson '08
Vice President | Western Idaho

Degree/Major(s): B.S. Business Marketing

Hometown: Coeur d’Alene, Idaho

Favorite Class: “IBC - Integrated Business Curriculum — It was by far one of the toughest classes I have ever taken, however it prepared you for the real world.”

Why U of I: “U of I prepared me as a more rounded individual with all the tools to make it in the real world.”

Why I serve: “It is by far my most favorite board I have ever served on. It means the world to me to be able to give back to University of Idaho. The board members have become some of my greatest friends.”

Favorite Faculty or Staff: “Bruce Pittman was our Dean of Students at the time, and he ran a well-oiled machine.”

Favorite Vandal Memory: “My favorite student memory was being a Sigma Rho Chi for sorority recruitment as it gave me a chance to meet such amazing ladies going through the process. Some of the girls are still very close friends of mine. After college, my favorite memory is getting to hang with old and new alumni. Especially tailgating with some of my favorite people and family!”

erin jessupErin Jessup '05, '10
Treasurer | Northern Idaho

Travis JonesTravis Jones '99, '02
Former President | Western Idaho

Degree/Major(s): B.S. Agricultural Business; M.S. Agricultural Economics

Hometown: Lostine, Oregon

Favorite Class: “Although I was an Agriculture Business/Economics major, I really enjoyed Dr. Lisa Carlson’s American Presidency class in the Department of Political Science. She was a dynamic professor, and I thoroughly enjoyed the class. Little did I know at the time that I would make a career out of politics!”

Why U of I: “I took advantage of internship opportunities. I participated in four internships during my undergraduate years — varying from crop science, marketing, finance and public policy. I also went on to graduate school to earn my Master of Science degree. Those experiences prepared me well for my eventual future.”

Why I serve: “It’s a fantastic way to stay involved in U of I and to give back a small amount of what I got from the institution. Also, because the Vandal family gives me such a strong sense of belonging.”

Favorite Faculty or Staff: “Dr. Larry Makus in U of I CALS Department of Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology. While he gave me my first college “C” class grade, he later became a huge pillar of support for me as I worked on my graduate thesis. He was always willing to spend extra time to help me understand often complex concepts.”

Favorite Vandal Memory: “SO many to share. Witnessing three football bowl game victories and back-to-back wins over WSU were certainly good memories. I have many great moments and memories from my Greek life, and I most definitely cherish the strong friendships that I still have today.”

Melissa LowtherMelissa Lowther '08
Member at Large | Western Idaho

Degree/Major(s): B.S. Accounting

Hometown: Pendleton, Oregon

Favorite Class: “The Integrated Business Curriculum (IBC). I enjoyed learning about business topics in a more comprehensive approach vs standalone classes; including having an actual business partner to apply the learning concepts to. The experience of working with a team and the dynamics each person brought to the table was a great introduction to working cross functionally as well.”

Why U of I: “I have a lot of respect for the education I received at University of Idaho. My courses were rigorous/challenging but taught me how to operate as a business professional. I also experienced a lot of personal growth while at U of I. Like most students, U of I was my first experience of being away from home and finally having to make a lot of my own decisions and choices. I was fortunate that I had a great group of friends and a good support system that made that transition easier and allowed me to grow into the individual I am today.”

Why I Serve: “I am extremely proud to be a Vandal! As a student I enjoyed being a member of University of Idaho Student Alumni Relations Board (SArb). Through this group I met a lot of alumni, and I loved seeing that no matter how long ago someone graduated everyone had cherished memories of their time at U of I. The sense of community that U of I has been built on really resonates with me and my hope is by serving on Alumni Association I can continue to find new and fun ways to connect with all Vandal alumni.”

Favorite Faculty or Staff: “Scott Metlan who was an operations management professor. He provided a lot of real-world applications/scenarios to think about in his teachings. I remember him as a professor that truly cared about student success including after college and he took the time to mentor/get to know students outside of class. Katie Dahlinger was the SArb advisor with Alumni Office while I was there. Katie was a wonderful sounding board for the SArb executive committee and just an all-around fun person to be around. Her Vandal Spirit was contagious, and she brought a lot of enthusiasm to the office.”

Favorite Vandal Memory: “One of my earlier memories as a kid was going to University of Idaho campus and taking a picture on the I-Bench, driving down Greek Row and hearing some of the (more notorious) family memories that were made there. Now that I have my own kids, I love that I can share the same experience with them when we come and visit Moscow.”

Amy LientzAmy Lientz '95
Executive Director | Corporate Secretary


U of I Alumni Association directors serve many functions including association fiduciary duties, managing alumni awards and funding, providing support for Alumni Relations and advocating for U of I.

Directors in Idaho

Ross BordenRoss Borden '87
Director | Western Idaho

Degree/Major(s): BS Political Science, MS Geography

Hometown: Gooding, Idaho

Favorite Class: “Political Science Professor Sydney Duncombe’s local government classes. Local government is the level of government with the greatest ability to make a positive difference in people’s everyday lives — something that I have found to be underappreciated and underrated.”

Why U of I: “University of Idaho expanded my very limited, small-town Idaho (Gooding) horizons to the expansiveness and diversity of the people and world that awaited me in life.”

Why I serve: “As it turned out — not really by design — I spent my career primarily in various roles in and around the Idaho Legislature, Idaho higher education and Idaho state and local government. I like to think those experiences enable me to make at least a small advisory contribution toward the university’s and Alumni Association’s success as an Alumni Association Board member.”

Favorite Faculty or Staff: “There were many. It’s difficult to pick one. I’ll go with Dr Marv Henberg from whom I took a Philosophy class (Logic). I was just another student in that class, but he did his very best just the same, both with the class and me personally. He was a passionate teacher and quite an accomplished individual. He obviously left an indelible impression on me. Years later he served as the President of the College of Idaho in Caldwell.”

Favorite Vandal Memory: “I would not trade my time at University of Idaho for anything. I most treasure the memories — which are too numerous to recount here but were made possible by the idyllic Ivy League setting of University of Idaho campus. I most value the many fine people I met there — in some cases to learn from, in some cases to live with — who became my role models. 'Show me your friends and I’ll show you your future' directly applies to me as I’ve worked to emulate – with varying degrees of success — the many fine qualities of the many fine people I was privileged to encounter there.”

Troy BragaTroy Braga '02
Director | Northern Idaho

Degree/Major(s): Finance and Human Resources

Hometown: Gooding, Idaho

Favorite Class: “Statistics. My first introduction to that subject was a bit overwhelming, but through a great teacher (Dacey), I came to love it and it turned me in a direction for the rest of my time at Idaho that has led me to a very rewarding career. A very close second was my time in the Davis Investment Group even though that technically was not a class.”

Why U of I: “Mainly by opening my eyes to opportunities I never knew much about. Being from a very small town, my view of the world was fairly narrow and my time at Idaho opened doors for me that I didn’t even know existed.”

Why I serve: “I have a deep appreciation for what my time in Moscow did for me and this seemed like a great opportunity to get involved giving back.”

Favorite Faculty or Staff: Hands down Mario Reyes. Mario was a huge advocate for not only my education, but also in helping me manage my time balancing IBC and playing basketball for Idaho. Without his encouragement and support, I never would have decided to join the team as a walk-on. He was the ultimate student advocate and I still keep in touch with him for his advice and friendship.”

Favorite Vandal Memory: “Too many to list here, but my freshman year and all the lifelong friends I gained by deciding to pledge Fiji. Getting the opportunity to bury regret about not playing college basketball at a smaller school when I was invited to walk on to the Vandals team. The memories made not only playing but being on the road with our team are things I still think about and share with my kids today. Davis Group trip to Chicago with Mario. Being a faithful Vandal even through plenty of tough years in athletics. Taking my kids to campus on fall weekends and always visiting the Fiji house, hello walk, and other favorites, as well as telling them the same stories so many times they know what’s coming before I even start!”

Juan CoronaJuan Luis Corona '12
Director | Western Idaho

Degree/Major(s): TV and Radio Digital Media

Hometown: Parma, Idaho

Favorite Class: “I can’t remember…”

Why U of I: “It helped me to build relationships and taught me the true meaning of a community and support system."

Why I serve: “Because I want to give back to the university that gave me so much.”

Favorite Faculty or Staff: “I was fortunate enough to have many mentors while attending U of I, but I wouldn’t have been able to get through it without Leathia Botello. She was my mentor and friend. She always listened to me when I most needed it.”

Favorite Vandal Memory: “One of many memories I had from my time at U of I is winning Homecoming King in 2011 and being elected ASUI Vice President in 2010.”

Mil DeSilvaMil DeSilva '09
Director | Western Idaho

Degree/Major(s): Food Science and Nutrition

Hometown: Meridian, Idaho

Favorite Class: “Studying biochemistry and delving into the intricacies of the Krebs Cycle has provided me with a profound grasp of both macroscopic and microscopic systems. I actively apply the insights gained from the Krebs Cycle to enhance my understanding of healthcare.”

Why U of I: “University of Idaho offers an exceptional university experience. However, it’s more than just academics; it’s about embracing the spirit of being a Vandal. As University of Idaho Vandals, we embody fierce competitiveness, independent thinking, and a drive to make a lasting impact. Our legacy isn’t just defined by wins and losses; it’s about leaving a mark that goes beyond the classroom.”

Why I serve: “There exist myriad compelling reasons to embrace the Vandal spirit, and each generation deserves to personally encounter these motivations. As for our current and future alumni, their achievements and contributions merit wholehearted celebration. The legacy of being a Vandal extends beyond the campus boundaries. It’s about resilience, innovation, and community impact. Whether it’s the thrill of Vandal game day, the camaraderie, or the late-night study sessions, every Vandal experience shapes us. Being a Vandal isn’t just about the past; it’s about the present and the future we collectively build.”

Favorite Vandal Memory: “During my senior year at the Perch apartments, I made a seemingly innocuous decision: I bought Rock Band. Little did I realize that this simple purchase would transform into a cascade of unforgettable CJ’s post parties, where friends would gather to revel in rhythm, unleash their inner rock stars, and create cherished memories. The strum of the guitar, the beat of the drums, and the soaring vocals became the soundtrack of our senior year. Each note resonated with laughter, and the sheer joy of being together. We found ourselves immersed in a harmonious blend of music and friendship. Rock Band an unplanned moment, the catalyst that turned ordinary nights into extraordinary celebrations.”

Lisa DonnellonLisa Donnellon '05
Director | Western Idaho

Degree/Major(s): B.S. Public Relations

Hometown: Lewiston, Idaho

Favorite Class: “I love my all my Public Relations classes! Any opportunity to present of give a speech!”

Why U of I: “U of I taught me to be driven and dedicated. My degree allowed me to advance my career quickly by using my communication skills. I am very outgoing with a positive attitude which allows me to be comfortable presenting/speaking to large or small audiences.”

Why I serve: “I loved my time at U of I! When a Vandal meets another Vandal, I feel like there is an instant connection! Being involved with the Alumni Association to ensure others feel the same way and continue to remain engaged in university activities. The opportunity to be involved with U of I after college is a way to give back to a special place, I called home for four years!”

Favorite Faculty or Staff: “Sue Heinz -She was my PR professor for several classes. She encouraged me to try new things and take risks. She was very supportive and always shared great insights.”

Favorite Vandal Memory: “I recently reconnected with 15 of my fellow Vandal friends. We have been sharing photos and reliving many memories from our time at University of Idaho. It was so fun! I want everyone that comradery and community.

“This fall I took my nieces ( 9, 5 years old) and nephew (4 years old) to their first Vandal Football game! They were so excited to see the cheerleaders, the band and to cheer on the football team. To see the excitement on their faces was awesome and made me so proud to be a Vandal! It was a great way to encourage future Vandals!”

Rory FletcherRory Fletcher '04
Director | Northern Idaho

Degree/Major(s): B.S. Sport Science

Hometown: Juneau, Alaska

Favorite Class: “Biomechanics. It most closely resembled what I would learn in physical therapy school and I loved combining anatomy with physics and understanding how the body moves.”

Why U of I: “Through living groups, classes, intramurals, etc. I got to meet people from all different backgrounds. I really started to understand how building relationships was essential no matter what your career was. I have kept that in mind as I continue with my career/life.”

Why I serve: “I wanted to be able to give back to U of I in a meaningful way. While living in Moscow, I saw how much impact the university has on this community as well as the state of Idaho (and beyond). I want to do what I can to support the mission of the university as well as the over 100,000 Alumni.”

Favorite Faculty or Staff: “Dr. Kathy Browder. She was the biomechanics professor and her classes helped prepare me the best for the rigors of graduate school.”

Favorite Vandal Memory: “I met my wife at the university in the fall of our Junior year. 20 years later we are still together. That will always be my best Vandal memory.”

Mallory GriffithMallory Griffith '10, '12
Director | Western Idaho

Degree/Major(s): Secondary Education — Social Studies and English. Masters in Curriculum and Instruction

Hometown: Coeur d’ Alene, Idaho

Why U of I: "The College of Education prepared me for a career in teaching. I was able to get a strong background in Social Studies and English to have the confidence to teach those content areas. U of I provided me opportunities to work with local schools, teachers and my student teaching experience to develop my teaching skills. I was able to meet with experienced teachers as mentors to guide me through my time in college and the teacher certification process."

Why I serve: "While attending the University of Idaho, I had the opportunity to be involved on campus with SArb and participating on the Homecoming and Dads’ Weekend committees. I was also a member of Kappa Kappa Gamma sorority and a cheerleader on the Spirit Squad. The University of Idaho will always be my home. I blossomed on campus, made lifelong friendships, met my husband, developed connections and became prepared for my career. University of Idaho made me brave and bold. The Alumni Association is a way for me to help connect alumni with their alma mater. U of I provides lifelong opportunities and should be celebrated and cherished. I love being able to promote its vision and core values. The University continues to improve and advance in teaching, researching and public service. I am grateful to be a part of the directors to advocate and promote its image, traditions and pride. I am so incredibly proud to be serving on the board because it has shaped my appreciation our unstoppable Vandal Family."

Favorite Faculty or Staff: "Katie Dahlinger was integral to my time at U of I while she helped out with SArb (Student Alumni Relations Board). Her positive attitude, pride for the University and encouragement helped me have a full university experience. I loved planning events with her and making connections with students, alumni and staff. Shelly Robson - while cheering for U of I, I was able to see her passion for the Vandal athletics and education. She inspired me to volunteer for the University and provide support for students and alumni after graduation."

Favorite Vandal Memory: "Cheering on the mighty Vandals! I loved the rush of excitement on game days; students, alumni, staff, community members, friends and family making their way to the Kibbie Dome to support the team. I treasured walking around the tailgate with the rest of the of the cheerleaders and band to warm up the crowd with the Fight Song, Uptight and the crowd favorite, “In Heaven There is No Beer.” Stunting, dancing and cheering on the Vandals from the sidelines will always be cherished. I-D-A-H-O! Idaho! Idaho! Go! Go! Go!"

Sharee HamiltonSharee Hamilton '02
Director | Southern Idaho

Degree/Major(s): Spanish with an Emphasis in Business

Hometown: Idaho Falls, Idaho

Favorite Class: “My major included a mix of Spanish and business classes — both of which I loved! I was able to go on exchange during my junior year and took business classes in Italy and Spanish classes in Costa Rica. That experience solidified my interest in meeting people from different cultural backgrounds and my love of travel.”

Why U of I: “U of I prepared me for life after college by exposing me to experiences and opportunities I wouldn’t have had otherwise. As a first-generation college student, I wasn’t sure what to expect when I moved from Idaho Falls to Moscow. When I look back on my years at U of I, I couldn’t be more thankful for the incredible personal and professional growth experiences I had!”

Why I serve: “I am proud to be a Vandal and I’m excited to be able to give back to university and our Vandal family by serving on the Alumni Board! While at U of I, as an active member of the Student Alumni Relations Board, I witnessed the special relationship between Vandal alumni and university. Serving on this board will allow me to help grow the connection between Vandal alumni and our alma mater.”

Favorite Faculty or Staff: “I met Jack Brown through my husband when he was a grad student in Jack’s Plant Science program. It was then that I realized I missed out on getting to know more of my professors on a personal level. Jack always took the time to get to know his students personally and pushed them to take advantage of opportunities that would make them well-qualified graduates. I am thankful that we still keep in touch!”

Favorite Vandal Memory: “I have so many fond memories of my time at U of I! Life at the Pi Beta Phi house was always eventful, and I treasure the lifelong friendships I made there! Mom’s Weekend was incredibly entertaining when my mom and my aunts came to town! And I’d be remiss if I didn’t mention lots of great family time at U of I — including myself, there are fourteen of us cousins who are Vandals, and we love to have a good time cheering on the Vandals at football games!”

David HarringtonDavid Harrington '93
Director | Northern Idaho

Degree/Major(s): B.S., Ag Econ with a major in Agribusiness

Hometown: Melba, Idaho

Why U of I: “Attending University of Idaho provided me with lifetime friendships. It also allowed me to explore various career opportunities outside of agriculture, my primary background growing up. Participating in organizational activities including FarmHouse fraternity, U of I Ag Econ club, U of I rodeo club, has given me great experiences beyond the classroom. My greatest lesson learned was the value of completing a goal (attaining a degree), regardless of pitfalls and obstacles along the way.”

Why I serve: “Sounds like fun. Especially now that I live closer to the university. We moved from southern Idaho to the Coeur d’Alene area in 2019 and have been involved in alumni tailgate activities ever since. Our involvement has been both as attendees and vendors via our mobile food business.”

Favorite Vandal Memory: “Vandal football was and still is my favorite activity. Attending football games and tailgating with fellow students and now fellow alumni gives me the opportunity to connect with old friends as well as make new friends.”

John HoyneJohn Hoyne '96
Director | Western Idaho

Degree/Major(s): Bachelor of General Studies with an emphasis in Architecture and Business

Hometown:  Aberdeen, WA

Favorite Class: "It’s a tossup between Business Law and the World of Corporate Business. BLAW 265 was an excellent course, and I appreciated the additional time I spent with Jerry Wegman. The class provided a foundation about contracts, warranties and other legal topics I deal with running a business. James Toomey and the World of Corporate Business was an eyeopening experience. You would attend a lecture and then have either lunch or dinner with the guest speaker, it was an excellent opportunity to interact and learn from business leaders."

Why U of I: "The opportunity to build a network of friends and business connections has provided me numerous opportunities."

Why I serve: "When I realized the experiences, friendships and opportunities that I had at the University of Idaho, it was a no brainer to find ways to give back."

Favorite Faculty or Staff: "I was fortunate enough to be involved in the ASUI Student Government and Boards and got to meet and work with David Mucci. Dave was a mentor, leader, educator and all-around great person. He would always make time to chat in the hall or give advice about a difficult substation. He is a special person."

Favorite Vandal Memory: "Spirit Cow at Homecoming and serving as Vandal Booster Intern for the Southern Idaho Golf Tournaments."

Bobby MyersBobby Myers '10, '17
Director | Northern Idaho

Degree/Major(s): Human Resource Management, Marketing, Executive MBA

Hometown: Powell, Wyoming

Favorite Class: “Leading Strategic Change. This class became the most rewarding nearly four years after taking it. In the spring of 2022, I referenced the coursework of this class more than when I was enrolled in the EMBA. I relied on the materials as we quickly built an adaptable organization through what seemed like an unknown future. We had to embrace change and create an agile operation that had previously been a working model for decades. I owe keeping our organization intact over the last three years to this class.”

Why U of I: “U of I prepared me for life after college with its vast alumni network. With so many alumni in Coeur d’Alene that I could reach out to, I quickly realized the opportunities available when I moved here not having a career path that I was passionate about. The support after college has been the most beneficial in my professional career.”

Why I serve: “I choose the serve the Alumni Association because it’s a rewarding opportunity to give back while being afar. So many great Vandals have helped me along the way, and I want to be a Vandal for somebody else. The university is built on the alumni's reputation, and the association is the microphone for great Vandals doing great things around the world. It’s also a great excuse to relive the glory days in Moscow twice a year!”

Favorite Faculty or Staff: “I had the opportunity to have Dan Eveleth as a professor in both my undergraduate and master's program. His thoughtfulness and intention that he puts into his lectures and coursework expanded my view on reasoning before every decision. Everything he put forth to his class had an intention and would always seem to resonate more as the years passed.”

Favorite Vandal Memory: “Post-IBC test nights on Wednesdays at the Ale House. Thursday mornings were a different story.”

Robb SteinkeRobb Steinke '84
Director | Western Idaho

Degree/Major(s): B.S. Ag Business

Hometown: Idaho Falls, Idaho

Favorite Class: “Personal/Business Accounting and also Real Estate Law. These courses were integral to my job as a banker and as a real estate appraiser and also personally into my life.”

Why U of I: “U of I gave me the tools to succeed and also the people that I met at the university helped to further my career.”

Why I serve: “I was asked if I would help out and I chose to give back to the university.”

Favorite Faculty or Staff: “Larry Branen! He was there for me when I was a student and after I graduated. He helped mold me into the person that I was to become.”

Favorite Vandal Memory: “Main memory is when I met my future wife when I was a sophomore.”

Samantha StormsSamantha Storms '12, '13
Director | Western Idaho

Degree/Major(s): B.S. Public Relations (Business); M.S. Adult, Organizational Learning and Leadership; G.C. HR Development, Leadership and Counseling

Hometown: Idaho Falls, Idaho

Favorite Class: “While I ultimately changed my major to public relations, my experience as an international studies student with the Martin Institute, part of the College of Letters, Arts and Social Sciences, left a lasting impression on my college experience. Each spring, the National Model United Nations holds its annual conference in New York City. The conference brings more than 5,000 college students and faculty from all over the world together to simulate the United Nations, with closing exercises held in the Assembly Hall of the United Nations. It was an honor to represent University of Idaho as part of the 2010 delegation.”

Why U of I: “While still an active alumna, I look back on my years at University of Idaho and am thankful for my extracurricular activities. Many of them shaped the person and professional I am today, including serving as Associated Students of University of Idaho student body vice president and senator, actively participating in Pi Beta Phi sorority, annual domestic and international service trips, lobbying at the Idaho State Legislature for higher education, representing U of I at the Model United Nations Conference in New York City and being a member of both the Homecoming Committee and the Student Alumni Relations Board. These and other leadership roles are the inspiration behind my current seat on the U of I Alumni Association Board of Directors.”

Why I serve: “I have always believed in the importance of giving back to my community. While I genuinely love my day job with the Bureau of Land Management at the National Interagency Fire Center in Boise, Idaho, I prioritize finding extracurricular opportunities to engage with. My post-college experiences, stretching from life and career opportunities in Washington, D.C. to Sacramento, California, have been diverse, each affording me a unique perspective on the issues and successes surrounding my “home” at the time. Serving the U of I Alumni Association for nearly a decade while living out of Idaho, hosting and planning alumni events, I am proud to be back in my home state and thankful for my Vandal network stretching far and wide.”

Favorite Faculty or Staff: “I have been fortunate to have so many incredible mentors from U of I, many of whom I still turn to for sound advice and friendship today. The staff that have dedicated their time and talent to work in the Alumni Office and the Associated Students of University of Idaho are remarkable. Their dedication to Vandal students does not go unnoticed and their impact on my life is immeasurable.”

Favorite Vandal Memory: “Came a tribe from the North, brave and bold! Homecoming will forever be a special memory for me as both a student and now alumni. Coming back to Moscow always feels like coming home and embodies the true sense of reunion with my Vandal Family and friends.”

Liza WilsonLiza Wilson '09, '11
Director | Central Idaho

Degree/Major(s): B.S. in Conservation Social Science and an M.S. in Bioregional Planning and Community Design

Hometown: Twin Falls, Idaho

Favorite Class: “I learned so much from my conservation management and planning course. It introduced me to experiential learning and gave me a passion for strategic planning and working in/with rural communities. I also loved working with Ron Walters solving "wicked" problems. His visionary planning and thinking outside the box, opened my mind to a world of possibilities that I would never have dreamed about. The opportunity to study abroad was fantastic! My tiny world view from Idaho was completely burst as I learned about all the biodiversity the rainforest holds, about other cultures, and about myself.”

Why U of I: “Through my time at U of I I learned to find and disseminate information. I learned to work in and with teams and with other personalities. I was allowed time to discover myself and my likes, dislikes, and interests; to be independent and build confidence in my knowledge and abilities. My classes prepared me for future work with non-profits and different roles in our rural community. Maybe most importantly, I met my husband during my first year of graduate school. I was never sure what path I wanted to take career wise, but I did know that I wanted a partner-in-crime, and to have a family, so meeting my husband was a huge bonus!”

Why I serve: “I have a passion for building communities and fostering connections, and Vandal families are the best! Serving on the UIAA is a way that I can support the university that supported me. I would love to be part of inspiring the next generation of Vandals to continue the success of a great University, and to be a part of the innovation and future of U of I.”

Favorite Faculty or Staff: “There are too many to mention. I would start with Nick Sanyal. His time and attention to my attendance, interest in, and success at U of I was integral to my time there. He inspired me with his love for teaching and his genuine care and concern for his students to achieve success. His drive for thinking out of the box and developing course work that made real world impacts inspired my whole academic career. Similarly, Ed Krumpe and Stacy Camp, both of whom were on my master's committee, inspired me with their diverse backgrounds and genuine care for the success of their students. Also, Lorrie Williams was a co-worker when I worked in Donor Relations. Her friendship has reached far beyond our time working together at the university, and I cherish her as "chosen family". Like I stated, there are many more people I could mention, but the thing that stands out the most is the bonds that are created through people and connections made during my years at U of I have extended far beyond my academic years. The Vandal family really is the best, and one that seems to stand the test of time.”

Favorite Vandal Memory: “The most treasured Vandal memories I have, besides meeting my husband at the Fresno State game in 2009, are of taking my kids to Vandal games and events all over Idaho, Montana and Nevada. Having them experience the energy and camaraderie is the best feeling.”

Directors Outside Idaho

Annie AverittAnnie Averitt '00
Director | Western Region

Shelby KernsShelby Kerns '97
Director | Eastern Region

Degree/Major(s): B.S., Political Science

Hometown: Potlatch, Idaho

Favorite Class: “For over 25 years I’ve continued to think and talk about Lisa Carlson’s Political Violence and Revolution course. The course opened my eyes to the world and gave me a framework to evaluate events. In addition, Dr. Carlson’s interest in the world was infectious and she explained why a kid from small town Idaho should care about events around the globe.”

Why U of I: “University of Idaho provided me with both my academic and professional foundations. The education I received in Moscow, the lessons I learned working at U of I, and the support I received from Vandal alumni have been large parts of any success I’ve had.”

Why I serve: “U of I and its alumni have given more to me than I could ever repay — an education, a professional foundation, lifelong friends, and incredible memories. Serving is an opportunity to give back and help provide that for others.”

Favorite Faculty or Staff: “While attending U of I, I worked part-time for the UI Foundation and Development Office. I will be forever grateful for all I learned from Linda Davidson, Vicki Boone, Diane Gregg, Ed McBride, and Caroline Troy. The opportunity to work with such dedicated professionals provided me with a foundation that has served me well in my career.”

Favorite Vandal Memory: “It’s hard to beat the memories of winning bowl games! As our Vandal families have grown, it’s been amazing to share the experiences with new generations. Screaming the fight song and storming the field after a nail-biting victory can’t be beat!”

Kimberly LynnKimberly Lynn '12
Director | Northwestern Region

Degree/Major(s): B.S., Family & Consumer Science – Clothing, Textiles & Design with an emphasis in Product Development

Hometown: Coeur d’Alene, Idaho

Why U of I: “University of Idaho provided me with an education by equipping me with the knowledge and skills needed for my career in the apparel industry. Through coursework and hands-on projects, I gained a deep understanding of textiles, the history of fashion, and the industry's business side. I also gained life skills and lifelong friendships being a part of the Greek system. Overall, U of I was pivotal in shaping and preparing me for my life after college!”

Why I serve: “Being part of the Alumni Association allows me to connect with fellow alumni and show pride in my alma mater. Homecoming is one of my favorite weekends of the year, and I’m excited for the opportunity to give my support wherever needed!”

Favorite Faculty or Staff: “Erica Iiams's dynamic teaching approach made lectures and sewing studios easier to understand and enjoyable to learn. Her passion for fashion was infectious, and her support for her students always went above and beyond. I was never the best at sewing, but she always stayed late to help me complete my projects!”

Favorite Vandal Memory: “My most treasured memory at U of I will always be Homecoming! I grew up going to every U of I homecoming with my family. Getting to be a part of the homecoming shenanigans while being a student will forever hold a special place in my heart. Going back to Moscow feels like coming home. I love walking around the campus, Hello Walk, and down Greek Row. It always brings back amazing memories of my time at U of I. Go Vandals!”

Andrew MorganDrew Morgan '15
Director | Northwestern Region

Degree/Major(s): B.S. Psychology; B.S. Finance

Hometown: Coeur d’ Alene, Idaho

Favorite Class: “Econ 272 was my favorite college class at University of Idaho because it was applicable and relatable. I loved the way the class used vignettes, a type of short story, to demonstrate economic concepts and their real-world applications. The stories made it easier for me to understand the relevance of economic theories in my daily life and how they can be used to solve practical problems. Overall, the class provided a valuable learning experience that combined theory with practicality, making it engaging and interesting.”

Why U of I: “University of Idaho prepared me well for life after college by helping me become a well-rounded person and develop leadership and social skills to relate to all kinds of people. These skills are essential in any career or personal setting, and I'm grateful for the strong foundation the university provided me.”

Why I serve: “I choose to serve the Alumni Association because I believe in the value of staying connected to my alma mater and helping to strengthen its community. By serving on the association, I have the opportunity to give back to the university that provided me with a valuable education and helped shape me into the person I am today. I also enjoy the chance to connect with other alumni and current students. Serving on the Alumni Association is a meaningful way for me to stay engaged with my alma mater and make a positive impact on its community.”

Favorite Faculty or Staff: “Magdy Noguera was integral to my time at University of Idaho. Her guidance and support were instrumental in helping me achieve my academic and career goals. She helped me secure an internship that gave me invaluable experience in the finance industry, and also encouraged me to pursue the CFA designation, which has been a great asset in my career. In addition to her mentorship outside of the classroom, I learned a lot from her classes as well. Her dedication to teaching and expertise in finance made her classes engaging and challenging.”

Favorite Vandal Memory: “One of my most treasured Vandal memories was going to an Odesza concert in Memorial Gym. I was blown away by the energy and talent of the performers. Our student body events team did a great job bringing outstanding artists to campus during my time at school. It was an incredible experience, and I’m grateful that I was able to spend quality time with friends while discovering a love for music. Looking back on that memory, I'm reminded of the unique and exciting opportunities that U of I provides, and how much I enjoyed being a part of its vibrant community.”

Alumni Relations

Physical Address:
1212 Blake Ave. Moscow, ID

Mailing Address:
875 Perimeter Drive MS 3232 Moscow, ID 83844-3232

Phone: 208-885-6154



Physical Address:
322 E. Front Street, Suite 200 Boise, ID 83702

Phone: 208-364-4030

Fax: 208-364-4035
