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35.73 - Hazardous Energy Control Standard (Including Lockout/Tagout)


  • Position: Environmental Health and Safety Executive Director
  • Email:

Last updated: October 07, 2024

A. General. Energy sources within the campus environment must be identified and properly controlled. University employees required to service or maintain machinery and equipment are subject to serious injury if such energy sources are not properly controlled. Examples of energy sources subject to unexpected release during maintenance activities include, but are not limited to, electric, thermal, hydraulic, pneumatic, steam, and mechanical energies.

A-1. Regulatory Requirements. Hazardous energy control standards are mandated by the Idaho Administrative Procedures Act; and are found in Idaho General Safety and Health Standard 150.12; Title 29, Code of Federal Regulations, Part 1910.147; and the National Fire Protection Agency Standard 70E, Chapter 4. These standards require that written lockout/tagout programs be established for service and/or maintenance work on machines and equipment subject to unexpected release of hazardous energy sources.

B. Process. The following procedures and/or work requirements apply to all university employees or students that service and/or maintain machines or equipment subject to unexpected release of hazardous energy sources.

B-1. Responsibility. These standards assign specific responsibilities to university employees and/or students. Specifically,

i) Supervisors must:

a) Implement a written hazardous energy control program.

b) Ensure that employees or students are properly trained regarding implementation of the hazardous energy control program. Such training must occur prior to de-energizing or servicing affected machines or equipment.

c) Supervise and enforce program implementation and periodically inspect and evaluate equipment and machinery subject to such energy control programs.

d) Ensure non-university personnel authorized to service or maintain university machinery or equipment are aware of the university’s hazardous energy control program; these personnel should be informed of locks, tags or other lockout/tagout equipment they might encounter during their servicing efforts. Similarly, non-university personnel are required to advise university supervisory personnel of the lockout/tagout procedures and equipment they intend to use so affected university personnel can be informed as required.

ii) University employees and students must:

a) Strictly comply with procedures contained in their respective department’s hazardous energy control program.

iii) Environmental Health & Safety personnel can:

a) Assist departments in developing a written hazardous energy control program.

b) Assist supervisors in providing appropriate hazardous energy control program training for employees or students.

c) Provide supervisors with technical assistance and information regarding appropriate procurement of energy control related machinery or equipment.

C. Procedures.

C-1. General Requirements. The following basic requirements apply to all machinery or equipment subject to hazardous energy control programs.

i) All persons who might be exposed to hazardous energy sources must be trained in their respective department’s hazardous energy control program. Training must cover all aspects of energy exposures and the appropriate procedures and equipment use to eliminate related hazards. Employee responsibility for complying with established procedures is mandatory.

ii) All employees performing maintenance or servicing activities on equipment or machinery subject to potential hazardous energy release must be provided and use appropriate lockout/tagout devises and similar equipment.

iii) Devices used in hazardous energy control programs, such as locks, tags, labels, and similar equipment, must be standardized, readily identifiable, and used only for this purpose. [Note: Tag warnings must indicate, “Do Not Remove”.]

iv) Individual employees are required to place their own personal lockout/tagout device on appropriate energy isolating devices. Approved multiple hasps, lockboxes, and similar equipment may be used when necessary.

v) Once locks, tags or similar devices are attached, they are to be removed only by the person who applied them, or under his/her supervision.

vi) Reference v) above. Departmental hazardous energy control programs should include specific procedures for removal of tags or locks of individuals absent from the workplace. Such tag or lock removal must be documented and communicated to the original owning maintenance or service person(s).

C-2. General Procedures. The following sequential procedures should be documented into each departmental hazardous energy control program:

i) Locking and/or tagging-out hazardous energy sources:

Notify all affected employees of the appropriate lockout/tagout system being utilized.

Shut down the operating machinery or equipment by normal procedures

Isolate the machinery or equipment energy source (via switch, valve, etc)

Lockout and tagout the energy isolating devices with lock(s) and tag(s) as required.

Stored energy (e.g., electrical capacitors, compressed springs, elevated machinery parts, hydraulics, air, gas, steam, and water pressures) must be dissipated or restrained by repositioning, blanking, blocking, or bleeding off excess pressure.

With qualified personnel using appropriate test equipment, verify that circuits, machinery or equipment are actually de-energized and will not operate. Ensure operating control(s) are returned to the “off” position after testing is complete.

ii) Service Continuity. If it is determined that continuing service is essential or shutting down a system is impractical, approved alternative methods to control hazardous energy may be used, provided they provide the same level of personnel protection.

iii) Restoring Hazardous Energy Sources:

Once machinery or equipment has been properly repaired and is ready to be reactivated, lockout/tagout devices may be removed and energy may be restored only by authorized personnel following proper procedures.

D. Information. For additional information regarding hazardous energy control regulations and standards, please contact the Environmental Health and Safety Office at (208) 885-6524 or by fax at (208) 885-5969.

Version History

Amended October 2024. Minor edit to update owner position title.

Campus Locations

Physical Address:
Bruce M. Pitman Center
875 Perimeter Drive MS 4264
Moscow, ID 83844-4264

Phone: 208-885-6111

Fax: 208-885-9119
