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Physical Address:
Morrill Hall 105

Mailing Address:
875 Perimeter Drive MS 3010
University of Idaho
Moscow, ID 83844-3010

Phone: 208-885-5663




Physical Address:

Morrill Hall Room 414
Moscow, ID  83844

Mailing Address:
875 Perimeter Dr., MS 3010
Moscow, ID  83844-3010

Phone: 208-885-2258


Web: ORA Website


Physical Address:

Morrill Hall Room 209
Moscow, ID  83843

Mailing Address:
875 Perimeter Dr., MS 3020
Moscow, ID  83844-3020

Phone: 208-885-6651

Fax: 208-885-4990


Web: OSP Website


Physical Address:
Morrill Hall 105
Moscow, ID 83844-3003

Mailing Address:
875 Perimeter Drive
MS 3003
Moscow, ID 83844-3003


Web: OTT

Sponsored Project Compliance: Policy and Procedural Guidance

Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP) staff partner with Departmental Grant Administrators, or DGAs, and faculty members to assist with the administration of sponsored project agreements. As a team, we protect the University of Idaho by maintaining compliance with all applicable federal, state, university and sponsor regulations and policies. The information and links provided on this page have been compiled by OSP to assist faculty, staff, DGAs and students by providing a central location for important resources. If you have suggestions for additional content, or have questions about the content on this page, please contact or call 208-885-6651.

We utilize VERAS as well as OSP TDX for most services. The TDX vs. VERAS document outlines the services provided in each system.

OSP Responsibilities

The Director of the Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP) reports to the Vice President of Research and Economic Development and serves as the University of Idaho’s Authorized Organizational Representative (AOR). The Director oversees all units of OSP and provides gift vs. grant determinations.

The Associate Director of the Office of Sponsored Programs oversees the Pre-award and Financial Units and serves as the IT liaison.

Our Sponsored Programs Administrators review proposals for external funding. Questions on the following topics should be directed to the Pre-Award Unit:

  • Vandals Electronic Research Administration System (VERAS)
  • Proposal development
  • Proposal submissions
  • (not related to submitting a request for an extension, rebudget, or other prior approval)
  • Gift vs. grant determinations, with director final approval

The Post Award Unit is responsible for the following:

  • Index, fund and grant code setup in Banner
  • Modifications and Awards
  • Sponsor Prior Approval requests (e.g. requests for extensions, rebudgets, change of Principal Investigator (PI), and others)
  • Moving funding between grant indexes
  • Early setups and advance funding
  • Questions about whether we have received an award, modification, and replies to prior approval (or other) requests or signed documents
  • Annual or progress reporting questions
  • Master Agreements and MOUs

The Contract Review Unit ensures that research agreements comply with university, state and federal policy, law and regulations; and can assist you with questions related to the following:

  • Agreements related to research, including but not limited to research agreements, master research agreements, MOUs, and incoming service agreements (i.e. fee for services)
  • Negotiated changes to agreements
  • Issuing subaward or subcontract agreements
  • Issues or requirements related to research agreements
  • Supports the Director of OSP as assigned

The Cost Accounting Unit is responsible for the following:

  • Allowability: Is an expense allowable on a particular project/type of project?
  • Expenditures: How do I get an expenditure on a particular budget (e.g. what e-code do I use or what is the best method to get this charge onto the budget?)
  • Budget transfers:
    • Completion of budget transfers that involve the F&A budget category (60) or are moving between indexes (must be within the same budget categories.) Department starts the budget transfers, including text, and the Cost Accounting Unit completes.
    • Approval of all budget transfers.
  • Fly America Act Compliance
  • Effort Reports (ERs)
  • Cost Share
  • Space Survey
  • F&A Rate proposal
  • Reporting of numbers to Colleges (e.g., quarterly activity reports, F&A distribution, annual activity reports)
  • Audit
  • Labor Redistributions
  • Service Centers

The Financial Unit is responsible for the following:

  • Invoicing or letter of credit drawdowns
  • Account close-outs at award end
  • Financial and other non-technical reporting

The IT division works to maintain VERAS (Vandal Electronic Research Administration System) and the OSP Website and serves as the IT liaison between UI and system vendors.

DGA Resources

This meeting is hosted by OSP and is targeted to train university employees who assist with sponsored project administration. The meeting is open to faculty or other employees who participate in sponsored projects administration as well. Meetings will be held via Zoom on the first Thursday each quarter, beginning in March 2022 except those dates that are university closure dates — those meetings will be held on an alternate date. Meetings will be hosted by the different units within the Office of Sponsored Programs each quarter, and topics will focus on that unit's primary areas of responsibility. Agenda items are sent to the DGA listserv each month, prior to the meeting. Please send agenda item suggestions to Michele Mattoon ( Zoom calendar invites are available upon request to

2024 Uniform Guidance (2 CFR 200) Updates and Information

Scroll down to “Sponsor Specific Information and Links” for policy updates by sponsor

National Security Policy Memorandum-33 (NSPM-33)

National Security Policy Mandate 33 (NSPM-33) is a directive issued by the White House from January 2021 and which has continued through President Biden’s administration via Executive Order 14028 and further described by a January 2022 memo from the White House. This memorandum requires that federal research agencies standardize and strengthen disclosure requirements for entities and personnel (researchers) receiving federally funded awards. NSPM-33 also mandates the establishment of research security programs at research institutions who receive federal funds.

Goals of NSPM-33:

  • Improving U of I’s overall security posture in research and the university in general. 
  • Maximizing compliance with multiple requirements from multiple granting organizations as required by regulatory changes beginning in 2022. 
  • Improving competitiveness and providing ability to respond quickly to research opportunities with enhanced collaboration, efficiency, trustworthiness, and repeatability. 
  • Monitoring and quickly adapting to the constantly changing compliance requirements. 
  • Supporting the university’s goal of achieving R1 status. 

  • NSPM-33 – National Security Presidential Memorandum 33 must be implemented by all federal funding agencies and extends even to fundamental research performed at entities receiving more than $50 million in federal funding.
    • NSPM-33 can be broken down into two primary categories: Disclosure Requirements and Requirements for Research and Security and Training. 
  • NIST 800-171 is for Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI) in non-federal systems. This could include data received from any federal agency, or through our subcontracts for such an agency.
  • CMMC – is specific to research projects working with the Department of Defense and requires certification of a NIST 800-171 environment for CUI.

  • The other support (current and pending support) reporting process will change as federal agencies release their implementation guidance in this area. Both National Science Foundation and National Institutes of Health have released their guidance to advance this facet of NSPM-33. Specific agency guidance is contained within the agency links in the “Sponsor Specific Information and Links” section of this webpage.
    • Examples of activities that may need to be disclosed include (but are not limited to):
      • Academic, professional, or institutional appointments and positions, whether or not remuneration is received, and, whether full-time, part-time, or voluntary
      • Postdoctoral scholars, students, or visiting scholars who are supported by an external entity, whether or not they work on federally-funded research projects
      • Some Consulting activities
      • Travel supported/paid by an external entity to perform research activities with an associated time commitment
      • In-kind contributions
  • The research security requirements are multi-faceted. See the Office of Information Technology (OIT) website on research security for details. Link coming soon.
    • Note that OSP has added data collection points to the VERAS proposal form in order to capture details relating to the compliance framework needs for each project.
    • The primary elements of the research security program and training piece of NSPM-33 are:
      • Cybersecurity
      • Foreign travel security
      • Research security training
      • Export control training

Your research processes and outputs are a vital part of the University of Idaho’s mission as a land-grant research university. The U.S. federal government recognizes this fact within the broader contexts of national security, global competitiveness in innovation, and protection of intellectual property from interference and exploitation. Under NSPM-33, the University of Idaho is required to establish a Research Security Program that addresses institutional research cybersecurity while also promoting necessary openness in the research community. The Research Cyber Support Program (RCSP) helps address institutional research security for NSPM-33 and other federal compliance standards.


To apply for and win federal research funding in the future, you will be required to address and disclose specific cybersecurity considerations related to your research. The UI’s Research Cyber Support Program (RCSP) is intended to provide a consistent mechanism so that researchers can easily and properly comply. 


Note that some costs relating to cybersecurity considerations can and should be included in your proposal application, in order to be considered for funding as part of the direct costs for a project. Consult with OIT ( early in the process to allow time to develop a compliance plan and to create accurate costing estimates for the project plan.

The University of Idaho is required by NSPM-33 to develop the Research Cyber Support Program (RSCP) in order facilitate compliance with new cybersecurity and disclosure requirements. This program is intended to support individual proposals, grants,contracts, and other agreement mechanisms, and awarded projects and will require a partnership between individual investigators, research computing, and OIT/RCSP.  RCSP will help investigators create and track systems security plans (SSPs) and will help monitor and mitigate cybersecurity risks associated with UI research.


RSCP will develop systems to make compliance relatively seamless. Research that involves Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI) or human subject/human health (IRB, HIPAA) may require additional scrutiny and specialized secure infrastructure as guided by the RSCP.


Note that agency policy will likely also require special information, data management and sharing plans, and other publication/release of information as part of the required transparency facet of NSPM-33. See the agency specific information in the ‘“Sponsor Specific Information and Links” section of this webpage or confer with pre or post-award team to get details regarding a specific agency or project.

Other Support (Current and Pending Support)

By supplying a sponsor with the required information on other support, we can assist the awarding agency staff in the identification and resolution of potential overlap of support. Overlap, whether scientific, budgetary or commitment of an individual's effort greater than 100 percent, is not permitted. The goals of other support reporting include: identifying and eliminating overlap; ensuring that sufficient and appropriate levels of effort are committed to the project; confirming that there is no duplication of funding for scientific aims, specific budgetary items or an individual's level of effort; and that only funds necessary to the conduct of the approved project are included in the budget and potential award allocation. 

Federal agencies have different and specific requirements for reporting other support (also known as current and pending support) – most federal agencies will require submission of another support/current and pending support form as well as a biosketch or Curriculum vitae (CV). See the agency specific accordions below for details on these requirements for each specific agency. 

Faculty and staff that are Principal Investigator and/or senior key personnel on a federal funded sponsored project have an obligation to ensure their other support (current and pending) is made available to the sponsor as required by that sponsor’s specific policy. Most sponsors require disclosure at pre-award (proposal stage) and require that personnel maintain regular updates to their other support through an individual report (ad hoc as support is received or discovered to have not been previously disclosed), foreign support or affiliation is realized, and/or through technical (progress) report updates. National Institutes of Health does not require other support reporting at the proposal stage for many types of Funding Opportunity Announcements (FOAs), but does require submission of the information at the Just-in-time (JIT) stage and with each Research Performance Progress Report (RPPR) as well as the final RPPR. See the agency specific accordions on this page (below) for details on reporting obligations during project life or at the JIT stage.

Foreign support reporting – note that specific agency policy may require reporting of any foreign support or affiliation, and that some agencies prohibit certain foreign support or affiliations. See the guidance in the agency links below for details per sponsor. 

Enter a ‘request current and pending support data’ ticket here. Note that OSP can only help to provide sponsored project data; other data types (departmental funding, affiliations, etc.) are not managed by OSP.

Details: OSP can provide you with a report from VERAS of your proposed support, and there is a second report available from Argos that departmental grant administrators (DGAs), OSP and faculty can access. Faculty must take the Banner navigation training and request Argos access through a TDNext ticket here however to gain access. Faculty who do not wish to gain access to Argos can also request the current support to be provided by OSP or their DGA.

ORCID – UI is a member organization and is working (as of Feb 2023) to active single-sign-on access to ORCID. ORCID can also help to populate data into Science Experts Network Curriculum Vitae (SciENcv), which will be the required formatting for National Science Foundation biosketches starting in October 2023. Note that an ORCID ID is already required for some types of NIH submissions.

Select the ‘submit current and pending support’ ticket type here to provide information to OSP on your foreign support or foreign affiliations. Note that you must upload the contract/agreement with the foreign entity to comply with requirements from some federal sponsors. If you need to report foreign support or affiliations are part of a just-in-time (JIT) or progress report, please select the Just-In-Time or Progress Report ticket type.

Documents & Resources

a. The advance funding procedure is to be initiated by the PI, college, or unit (department) when a modification to an existing agreement (project) has not yet been received to extend and/or add additional funding to an established grant code (and index or indexes), or a modification has been received but not yet executed, to allow for expenditures in support of the next phase of the project. An authorized designee of the unit, per APM 45.05, must provide authorization for advance funding, to OSP Post Award, to allow for work to proceed for the next phase of the project in advance of the end-date or deficit spending. This process reduces the number of cost transfers, prevents disruptions in on-going project work, and helps to ensure that expenses are attributed to the project that they support. Advance funding differs from an early (preliminary) setup. Advance funding is for existing agreements as opposed to a new agreement. If a new agreement requires a project budget before the new agreement is received and executed, please see the early (preliminary) setup procedure for the relevant process and policy information.

Process: The unit Dean or institute equivalent, or designee, should submit an Advance Funding authorization email, utilizing the template below, via email to the Post Award unit of OSP. By providing the advance funding authorization, the unit is agreeing to absorb any incurred expenditures should an amendment not be received and executed for the advance funding amount and/or timeframe. Any pending charges beyond the project end-date or in excess of the awarded funding amount will not be permitted until advance funding approval is received from the College Dean or Dean’s delegate. For direct federally funded grant projects, the Vice President for Research and Economic Development will provide the advance funding guarantee, as long as the unit/college provides certification, using the template made available by the Office of Sponsored Program (below), that confirms that the PI is compliant with all deliverables and protocols per Section D-2 of APM 45.05.
If the advance funding approval, or certification of compliance for VP guarantee of advance funding, is not received by OSP prior to the end-date or expenditure of the current funding amount, the department will need to cease work and incurrence of charges for the project until such time as an amendment is received and executed. Should an amendment not be received from the sponsor (barring extenuating circumstances) within the financial closeout period, the department must transfer any overages or charges that occurred after the end-date from the account(s) as voluntary uncommitted cost share and OSP will close the project by sending a final invoice to the sponsor, as required under the terms of the agreement.

Template for advance funding authorization:“For project(s) INSERT GRANT CODE AND INDEX NUMBER(S), OSP and the department (college) have been informed that the sponsor intends to continue this project. However, UI has not yet received an official amendment from the sponsor. As the Dean or Dean’s delegate (or institute equivalent), I provide approval for the advance funding of this project. I understand that the University’s advance funding procedure allows for project expenditures to be incurred for the next phase of the project for up to 90 days and up to 25% of a 12 month period of funding. I certify that any expenditures incurred in the advance funding period will be the responsibility of the department or college, unless this project is a direct federal grant, should the sponsor not provide an amendment. By providing advance funding approval or request for VP guarantee of advance funding, the College certifies that the PI is compliant with all project deliverables and will remain compliant during the advanced funding period.”

APM 45.05

  • APM 45 - Preliminary Budget Setup
    • Agreements with Industry sponsors and Foreign Entities (including Canada) are generally not allowable for early setups due to state limitations on using appropriate funds for industry support, and a history of problematic terms and conditions (foreign). Project agreements and sponsors that typically utilize terms with start date as "date of last signature" are ineligible for early setups; OSP processes these agreements as a rush.
  • Request an Early Setup by following the Early Setup Request Instructions and logging into VERAS

If you assist in the management of a sponsored project that falls under a Master Agreement or Memorandum of Understanding (MOU), email the OSP Post Award team to request a copy of the agreement or amendment(s).

**Please review the Quick Guide (.pdf) for additional instructions regarding OSP's ticketing system.

Effective January 23, 2023, Subawards and other services will now be requested through the University of Idaho ticketing system, rather than via email or a phone call to the Office of Sponsored Programs. Please review the Quick Guide for additional instructions. 

Sponsor Specific Information and Links

Current or pending participation in, or applications to, programs sponsored by foreign governments, instrumentalities or entities, including foreign government-sponsored talent recruitment programs must be disclosed to the National Science Foundation at the time of proposal submission and during annual reports.

Any foreign affiliation or appointment would need be disclosed on the NSF Biosketch.  Foreign support or resources made available to an individual in support of and/or related to all of his/her research efforts (regardless of whether or not they have monetary value), need to be reported on the NSF Current and Pending Support form.

If any of the above information hasn’t been incorporated into applications or progress reports and should have been, the PI must contact OSP as soon as possible so that revised information can be submitted to NSF. A revision of the NSF Agency Specific Requirements which became effective on October 5, 2020 requires that this information be submitted to NSF by the institution’s Authorized Organizational Representative within 30 calendar days of the identification of the undisclosed support or contribution.

Please note, per NSF PAPPG — May 20, 2024 Chapter VII.B.6., Postaward Additions of off-site or off-campus research If a recipient rebudgets funds to support off-campus or off-site research and a Plan for Safe and Inclusive Working Environments was developed for the original proposal, no further documentation is necessary. If a Plan for Safe and Inclusive Working Environments was not developed for that proposal, then the recipient must develop and maintain the plan in the organization’s records as described in Chapter II.E.9. If supplemental funding is requested to support off-site or off-campus research and the original proposal did not require a Plan for Safe and Inclusive Working Environments, then the recipient must develop and maintain the plan in the organization’s records as described in Chapter II.E.9.

  • General Application Instructions (pdf)
  • Other Support
    • FY22 (10/1/2021) General Application Guide: New Requirement: Certification Regarding Disclosure of Funding Sources. The proposing entity must comply with Section 223(a) of the William M. (Mac) Thornberry National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2021, which requires that the PI, Partnering PIs (if applicable) and all key personnel:
      • Certify that the current and pending support provided on the application is current, accurate and complete;
      • Agree to update such disclosure at the request of the agency prior to the award of support and at any subsequent time the agency determines appropriate during the term of the award; and
      • Have been made aware of the requirements under Section 223(a)(1) of this Act.

      False, fictitious or fraudulent statements or claims may result in criminal, civil or administrative penalties (U.S. Code, Title 218, Section 1001).

  • For Proposals Submitted or Active Prior to 10/1/21: For all previous (award period of performance ending within the past 5 years); current; and pending (includes period of time awaiting funding status and/or period of time awaiting start date) research support; include the title, time commitments, supporting agency, name and address of the funding agency’s procuring Contracting/Grants Officer, performance period, level of funding, brief description of the project’s goals and list of the specific aims. If applicable, identify where the proposed project overlaps with other existing and pending research projects. Clearly state if there is no overlap.

List all positions and scientific appointments, both domestic and foreign, held by senior/key personnel that are relevant to an application, including affiliations with foreign entities or governments. This includes titled academic, professional or institutional appointments whether or not remuneration is received, and whether full-time, part-time or voluntary (including adjunct, visiting or honorary).

An updated previous, current and pending support document will be required if an award is recommended for funding.

Current or pending participation in, or applications to, programs sponsored by foreign governments, instrumentalities or entities, including foreign government-sponsored talent recruitment programs must be disclosed to the National Institutes of Health at the time of proposal submission, the Just-In-Time Process and on annual research performance progress report (RPPR).

Any foreign affiliation or appointment would need be disclosed on the NIH Biosketch. Foreign support or resources made available to an individual in support of and/or related to all of his/her research efforts (regardless of whether or not they have monetary value), need to be reported on the NIH Other Support form, including supporting documentation, which includes copies of contracts/agreements specific to senior/key-personnel foreign appointments and/or employment with a foreign institution for all foreign activities and resources that are reported in Other Support. If the contracts/agreements are not in English, recipients must provide translated copies.

When a recipient organization discovers that a PI or other Senior/Key personnel on an active NIH grant failed to disclose Other Support information outside of Just-in-Time or the RPPR, as applicable, the recipient must submit updated Other Support to the Grants Management Specialist named in the Notice of Award as soon as it becomes known.

Physical Address:
Morrill Hall 105

Mailing Address:
875 Perimeter Drive MS 3010
University of Idaho
Moscow, ID 83844-3010

Phone: 208-885-5663




Physical Address:

Morrill Hall Room 414
Moscow, ID  83844

Mailing Address:
875 Perimeter Dr., MS 3010
Moscow, ID  83844-3010

Phone: 208-885-2258


Web: ORA Website


Physical Address:

Morrill Hall Room 209
Moscow, ID  83843

Mailing Address:
875 Perimeter Dr., MS 3020
Moscow, ID  83844-3020

Phone: 208-885-6651

Fax: 208-885-4990


Web: OSP Website


Physical Address:
Morrill Hall 105
Moscow, ID 83844-3003

Mailing Address:
875 Perimeter Drive
MS 3003
Moscow, ID 83844-3003


Web: OTT